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American Media Blackout

A strange thing happened last week just after Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner delivered his speech on United States–China cooperation at Peking University, in which he claimed a U.S. commitment to debt reduction and increased fiscal responsibility. Reported the People’s Daily : . . . . Continue Reading »

Private William Long laid to rest

In Conway, Arkansas, Pvt. William Long was laid to rest today. (Previously: An Attack in Little Rock. ) From the Associated Press via KUAR : About 200 people packed into the Harlan Park Baptist Church for the service. Standing behind his son’s open, flag-draped casket, Long’s father, . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Like It Purgatorial

Now, in Memphis, Tennessee, where I come from, barbecue is a religion, and if I haven’t heard of miracle healings and raisings-from-the-dead attributed to somebody’s secret sauce recipe, surely it’s because I wasn’t paying attention. Being from Memphis, and subscribing as I . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama, Benedict, and Islam

Criticism of President Obama’s speech in Cairo has been offered aplenty from conservative pundits on the web— largely focusing, it appears, on what they deem an overly- conciliatory attitude toward Islam. Thus, for instance, at a National Review symposium, Bat Ye’Or applies . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama vs. the Pope

Obama’s failure to mention the historic tie of the Jewish people to the land of Israel elicited outraged comment from Jewish sources, for example this one from this morning’s editorial in the Jerusalem Post:In his Cairo address the day before to the Muslim and Arab worlds, the president . . . . Continue Reading »

Intellectuals Who Support Human Dignity

MercatorNet—whose mission is “reframing ethical and policy debates in terms of human dignity”—has compiled a list of twenty public intellectuals who promote some aspect of human dignity : After asking friends and contributors to nominate public intellectuals who support human . . . . Continue Reading »



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