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Heirs to the Kingdom

I can’t talk about the material culture of religion without, at least sometimes, talking about homeschooling. Of course, all stereotypes aside, homeschooling is not exclusively a religious phenomenon; when we began homeschooling, it was not for religious reasons, but because our oldest . . . . Continue Reading »

Concerning our “Partisan” Bishops

Thomas Peters (aka American Papist ) issues a challenge to “left-leaning Catholics” (such as Joe Feuerherd of the National Catholic Reporter , Michael Sean Winters of America , and Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ): I challenge them to explicitly and totally repudiate the pernicious claim that US . . . . Continue Reading »

The Class of 2009 is Cursed

According to the Wall Street Journal , at least : The bad news for this spring’s college graduates is that they’re entering the toughest labor market in at least 25 years. The worse news: Even those who land jobs will likely suffer lower wages for a decade or more compared to those . . . . Continue Reading »

Asked and Answered

It is not clear why a chunk of the blue-collar working base has swung almost overnight from Left to Right, but clearly we are seeing the delayed detonation of two political time-bombs: rising unemployment and the growth of immigrant enclaves that resist assimilation. — The Telegraph I am . . . . Continue Reading »

Poetry and the Incarnation

Perhaps this is overkill on the poetry, but I think that Stephen Burt’s recent article in the Boston Review is interesting given the recent discussion of poetry here at First Thoughts. For Burt, the days of “slippery, digressive, polyvocalic, creators of overlapping, colorful . . . . Continue Reading »

He Walks Among Us

And them , too: When dining out Saturday night at a no-star bistro, La Fontaine de Mars , the presidential party was served water, Coke and table wine to accompany foie gras, lamb and steak with shallots, and paid for meals “like any client,” said owner Jacques Boudon. “It’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Candidate Bagman

As Terry McAuliffe’s lamprey-like campaign for Virginia Governor begins to — pinch me, I’m dreaming — detach from the host as actual politician Creigh Deeds pulls ahead, let the record show what a walking talking dirty $1 bill thinks high office is: As governor, I don’t . . . . Continue Reading »



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