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The Rhetoric of Gay Rights

There has been some discussion here on First Thoughs on the use of the term anti-abortion instead of pro-life in the mainstream media to refer to the view that abortion is murder. Terms are important. However, while Ryan Sayre Patrico and Nicholas Frankovich disagree as to whether we should fight . . . . Continue Reading »

Extraordinarily Enlightened Conservatives

At first glance, today’s “On the Square” feature by Carson Holloway ( Same-Sex Marriage and the Death of Tradition ) seems to rehash well-trodden ground in the debate over same-sex marriage. But a closer inspection reveals that Holloway is addressing not only the danger to . . . . Continue Reading »

BBQ and the Good Life

In today’s New York Times food section there’s a recipe for the good life. I know that’s a tacky opening sentence, but I couldn’t resist. John T. Edge reports from Hemingway, South Carolina on a family that makes old fashioned BBQ. As in: Ten butterflied pig . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Theology Going to the Dogs?

From the Denver Post : Nancy R. Howell, professor of theology at Saint Paul School of Theology, a United Methodist seminary in Kansas City, Mo., said theological reflection on human and animal natures had been stunted by inattention to recent developments in animal-behavior science. “Deeper . . . . Continue Reading »



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