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Why Christians Should Have Large Families

Following up on my post about Baptists leaders calling for church-goers to have more children, Craig Carter provides a list of six reasons Christians should have large families : 1. God has never rescinded his command to “be fruitful and multiply.” 2. There are numerous passages in the OT . . . . Continue Reading »

A Secular Political Philosophy (ii)

(continued from 6/1/09) As little inclined as is Charles Taylor to connect the pre-ontological with the metaphysical, religious “experience” with cognitive assertions, he cannot finally avoid making certain claims about the way things are, or at least the way human things are: We all see . . . . Continue Reading »

“Man Is Not A Cancer On The Planet”

A horticulturist named George Ball warns against the growing anti humanism of radical environmentalism in a piece in the Wall Street .  But rather than focus on the disease—the rejection of human exceptionalism— he gets distracted by the symptoms, e.g., violent tactics . . . . Continue Reading »

Books, Printed and Virtual.

Having recently purchased an iPhone I’ve been appreciating not only the myriad functions of the device itself but in particular Amazon’s Kindle application , bringing immediate access, in my case, to the Federalist Papers , the Book of Genesis , Shakespeare’s Hamlet and even some . . . . Continue Reading »

“Man is Not a Cancer On the Planet”

A horticulturist named George Ball writes a piece in the Wall Street Journal.Com warning against the radicalization of environmentalism.  From, “Naturalism Has Been Hijacked: Man is Not a Cancer on the Planet:”Now a segment of the Green movement presents a fresh challenge to . . . . Continue Reading »



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