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Beekeeping for Christ

Our friend Annie, age thirteen, keeps bees. This is a fairly new project; just after Easter, having spent the school year engaged in bee research, she brought home her colony, buzzing furiously in a box on her lap, and established them in a little green glade in the woods around her house. Every day . . . . Continue Reading »

Hedgehogs and Flamingos in Tehran

The mystery about the Iranian elections, writes my old friend Daniel Pipes, is why the religious authorities who run the country decided to declare a massive victory for the crude and brutal Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, rather than advance the slick and deceptive Hossein Moussavi. One could read this as a . . . . Continue Reading »

Assisting Suicide is not “Free Speech”

Apparently the defense of the Final Exit Network defendants is going to be based in free speech. From Derek Humphry’s blog entry urging fellow travelers to pony up for the FEN defendants’ legal defense fund:Inevitably, the cases against the Final Exit Seven will be a landmark in American . . . . Continue Reading »

Dullest, Taxes

In the aftermath of the pope’s visit to Israel in May, this report came right out of the blue:Tel Aviv (AsiaNews) -  The Chief Tax Collector at Israel’s Finance Ministry, Yehezkel Abrahamoff, has notified institutions of the Catholic Church in Israel that he has . . . . Continue Reading »

Khalil Samir’s problem with Zionism

In the course of criticizing the Obama speech in Cairo, Father Khalil Samir SJ, a Vatican Islamologist quoted frequently and favorably on this blog, threw a bomb in Israel’s direction:Another ambiguous element [in the Obama Cairo speech] concerns his placing on the same scale the legitimate . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: “Political Coup in Iran?”

On Friday, President Obama commented on the Iranian election : We are excited to see what appears to be a robust debate taking place in Iran. Whoever ends up winning the election in Iran, the fact there has been a robust debate hopefully will advance our ability to engage them in new ways. . . . . Continue Reading »

Political Coup in Iran?

Doubts about the legitimacy of Friday’s election results in Iran has lead to clashes in the streets between riot police and hundreds of protesters. Gary Sick has more on what may be a political coup by incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, including this fascinating timeline of events: On . . . . Continue Reading »



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