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I Want Life, Not the “Meaning of Life”

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a posthumous but vivid presence at this publication through his friendship with Fr. Richard Neuhaus, once was importuned by a congregant who complained that the service did not seem relevant to her. The point, he thundered back, is rather for you to be relevant to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Films for Life

From our friends at Grassroots Films comes some good news. First, their full-length documentary, The Human Experience , currently in pre-screenings, has continued to garner international accolades and compelling testimonies. Among the recent honors are the Award of Excellence from the Indie Film . . . . Continue Reading »

Honor, Desire, and Techno-Politics

The  Summer 2009 issue of The New Atlantis is now hot off the press and I have a article entitled “Technocracy and Populism” among the mix. The New Atlantis really is one of my favortite journals, always has lots of interesting and cutting edge studies exploring the . . . . Continue Reading »

Murder, By Any Other Name profiles Luhra Tivis , a former employee of the late-term abortionist George Tiller, whose experiences working at his facility drove her into a life of pro-life activism. Tivis had no hand in the performance of the abortions themselves—rather, she was assigned the task of . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Hating Ulysses

In many ways, I share Joe’s antipathy toward James Joyce’s Ulysses . But I must confess to having something of a love-hate relationship with Joyce’s novel, which relates in tedious detail a day in the life of the city of Dublin and its environs. On the one . . . . Continue Reading »



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