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Booze: For, Against, and * Hiccup *

Steve Sailer suggests that booze works wonders: Perhaps alcohol enables one individual to display a wider range of personalities than can be achieved through solely genetic means, thus allowing personalities to evolve farther in directions suitable for making a living, while still allowing people . . . . Continue Reading »

West Yet Again

On the Discovery Institute website , John G. West gives a three-part response to some things I said on this blog . In the first part he says: “Barr claims that ‘[w]hen scientists say that certain things in nature are random, this does mean that Nature is in a certain sense blind; it does . . . . Continue Reading »

Uncanny Tweets

If Andrew can do it, so can I. Except these are all my tweets — Test of new era: clustered riot police having rendered physically mass politics impossible, ‘cloud’ politics succeeds Thought: above all, solidarity with the Iranian opposition has been *inspired* (not justified) by . . . . Continue Reading »

The Twain Meet Cute

A.O. Scott on the latest Woody Allen film: [ . . . ] Mr. Allen’s imagination has returned to Manhattan after that invigorating European sojourn afflicted by an extreme case of jet lag. In spite of a few up-to-date references — to Barack Obama, red states and gay people, for instance . . . . Continue Reading »



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