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Cicero and Conservatism

It is, usually, far too awkward to import great figures of antiquity into current political discussions. That said, let’s give it a shot. Thinking through the definitions of conservatism, it seemed to me plausible that a conservative could perhaps make a claim to Cicero. This would assume an . . . . Continue Reading »

Fr. Thomas King, S. J. (1929–2009)

Legendary Georgetown University theology professor, Fr. Thomas King, S. J., died last night. He was the founding president of University Faculty for Life, an academic society on whose board I sit. We will miss our beloved Fr. King. The following appeared last night on the website of The Hoya , . . . . Continue Reading »

The Man Show

Be sure to tune in tonight to catch my friend and friend of this site Matthew B. Crawford on the Colbert Report . He’ll be talking about surly men, the need for speed, and his great book, Shop Class as Soulcraft . Hopefully he’ll also refer to himself as “the anti-Michael . . . . Continue Reading »

Don’t Forget to Subscribe

I have been receiving e-mails from readers of the former site about their lost subscriptions to SHS.  Alas, former subscribers will have to resubscribe (and new subscribers are invited too) now that I am here at FT.  It’s easy, however.  Hit the “blog rss” link to . . . . Continue Reading »

Around the Way

What’s going on at other First Things blogs: The Anchoress : What’s the deal with saints in glass coffins? Spengler : “The Persians invented chess. What opponent’s move would Ayatollah Khameini anticipate? ” Secondhand Smoke : Wesley Smith wonders if the dependent . . . . Continue Reading »

Dangerous When Cornered

The Iranian exile journalist Amir Taheri, the dean of regime critics writing in the English language press, says that civil war is unlikely in Iran.  In the most convincing analysis I have seen to date, Taheri points out that Ahmadinejad has his back to the wall, while regime critics have the . . . . Continue Reading »

Bishops Back D’Arcy

In a fairly strong display of solidarity , the US Bishops have issued a statement supporting Bishop John D’Arcy’s recent “pastoral concern” regarding President Obama’s appearance at Notre Dame: “The bishops of the United States express our appreciation and . . . . Continue Reading »



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