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A Saturday Miscellany: UPDATED

In Search Of: 1. Some news that isn’t about Michael Jackson. I’m grateful, though, to The Anchoress for explaining the difference between an icon and an idol; I was going to write about the difference between an icon and a curiosity, with reference to Michael Jackson, but now I kind of . . . . Continue Reading »

Fear all art

A bumpersticker in a parking lot at one of my work places reads: “Fear No Art.”I did not expect to be drawn into a discussion of art. As I acknowledged in my first posting, other than an amateur enjoyment of classical music and opera, my artistic knowledge is woefully undeveloped. . . . . Continue Reading »

Deconstructing Lifestyle

Pomocon ponderings continued: 1. On one end you have a profound way of life , rooted and grounded in a robust and declarative embodiment of the whole . On the other end you have a superficial lifestyle , one option among many chosen for no more and no less than idiosyncratic, contingent, partial . . . . Continue Reading »

The Porch and Charity

Here are some comments that you can fully understand only by going to the Front Porch Republic site under “Part Deux.” They’re meant in complete love and respect: This is way too much to read. So only five comments: 1. Where can I get some of that french fried latte? 2. Even . . . . Continue Reading »

Dr. Pat and Dr. Karl

Here’s my response to Deneen’s just concern that his fans my be scared off by my accusing him of being too Marxist: Here’s Marx: Who a human being is is determined by HISTORY (you paleos should love him—he really, really takes history seriously)—that is, by the . . . . Continue Reading »

Talkin’ Sex Vote Liberaltarian Blues

At No Left Turns, friend to pomocons Joe Knippenberg has set off a (mostly) nice conversation on sex vote stuff. He adds: I’d ask another question as well: doesn’t the pursuit of self-gratification in all its forms undermine the responsibility necessary for vindicating one’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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