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The Power Vacuum in the Middle East

Writing this morning in Asia Times Online, I draw out the implications of the power vacuum left by the collapse of American foreign policy with the Iranian elections. The editors’ summary is:President Barack Obama has not betrayed the interests of the United States to any foreign power, but he . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro-Life Plaster

Brazilian student Jorge Lopes has pioneered the conversion of data from ultrasound and MRI scans into life-size plaster models of living embryos using a method called rapid prototyping. ‘It’s amazing to see the faces of the mothers,” says Lopes, who created the technology for his . . . . Continue Reading »

A Call to Order

Okay, so there’s blood on the floor. The bottles have been smashed, the tables flipped over. But now perhaps we should heed Professor Wilson’s suggestion and bring some order to this brawl. Not Marquess of Queensberry rules: we’ll keep it bare-knuckle. Yet it might worth selecting . . . . Continue Reading »


My lighthearted abbreviation of ‘premod’ conservatives (in contrast to pomocons) has inspired John Schwenkler and Conor Friedersdorf to newly subversive heights: “prefab” will be the new term of choice for conservatism of the talk radio variety [ . . . .] In honor of Michael . . . . Continue Reading »

PoMoCon/FPR Contretemps

Notes and asides: Someone in the FPR camp is going to have to respond to James’s inquiries, brilliantly rendered, in his Saturday post, Deconstructing Lifestyle . The response will do much to lay the argument open for examination. And, Ralph Hancock has weighed in with some rather pithy . . . . Continue Reading »

eBaywatch: Uptown Saturday Night

Whoo. Let’s see what we’ve got going on tonight. Oh, oh, oh. Check it out. Easter’s over, baby, but you can beat the rush. I know about being forgiven, but won’t wearing a t-shirt that says so make people want to ask you what you did? In my town it would. “Whu’d . . . . Continue Reading »



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