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Bikes on the Porch

Matt Crawford’s excellent book Shopclass As Soulcraft has a gotten a lot of attention recently, almost all of it favorable. This week, FPR is joining the party with a symposium featuring posts from Rod Dreher, Mark Shiffman, and, among others,  me . In it, I claim Crawford as chief . . . . Continue Reading »

News and the “Now This … ” Culture

Archbishop Chaput has an excellent article on ” Catholics and the ‘Fourth Estate’ ” that should be read by all Christians. He makes a number of intriguing points, including a diagnosis of the problem with our current media: Visual and electronic media, today’s dominant . . . . Continue Reading »

The General Convention of Tomorrow

The 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church is well underway now in Anaheim, California, and has been for about a week. Some observers have seen fit to note that Anaheim is also the home of Disneyland, and of EPCOT center, Walt Disney’s own personal “Experimental Prototype . . . . Continue Reading »

Whales Are Not “US”

Did it start with Jane Goodall? The enterprising anthropologist didn’t just report her amazingly detailed observations of chimpanzees. She pursued an ideology by giving the chimps internal lives and thoughts in her writing in order to make them seem more human.Now, that approach is all the . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Funnies—When Animals Sue

You just knew “the lawyers” would jump right on the animals-being-allowed-to-sue bandwagon.HT: A comment on a crudely named blog quoting my Weekly Standard piece on plant rights, The “Silent Scream of the Asparagus,” rather than the current article discussing Obama appointee . . . . Continue Reading »

Dignity Now?

David Brooks’ recent column, called “In Search of Dignity,” is of pomocon interest. Just as Brooks tends to view genius as the practical result of expeditiously logging big hours of disciplined rehearsal, he sees the survival of dignity as dependent upon the persistence of a . . . . Continue Reading »



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