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Surveying the Academic Landscape

If you haven’t already, take the Students of Faith survey over at the First Things home page.First Things is embarking on a journey through the wild world of college rankings, and we need your help. We’d like to come up with a list of schools that provide (1) a solid academic training, . . . . Continue Reading »

Which Church Father Are You?

All right, this quiz is dadgum everywhere right now, but on the off-chance that you haven’t taken it yet . . . For the record, I took it twice. I am either Saint Melito or Origen. Make of that what you will. But . . . uh . . . the Church Fathers collectively are . . . great . . . Right, Al? . . . . Continue Reading »

College Survey

Georgetown or Christendom? Baylor or Houston Baptist? Calvin College or Wheaton? Princeton or Yale? What do you think of your school’s attitude toward religion? Toward its religious students? Toward theology? Toward its mother church? Now’s you chance to say, by taking the First Things . . . . Continue Reading »

Muslim Anti-Semitism

This just came over from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith:A national campaign intended to educate the general public about Islam through a series of advertisements on buses, subways and billboards is tainted by the fact that a Web site related to the campaign links to sites that . . . . Continue Reading »



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