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Little Ironies

Over at First Thoughts, the conversation’s all about children’s books, good and bad. Meanwhile, I am noticing that the local public television station in Memphis, Tennessee, starts every day with six straight hours of children’s programming on the theme of how great reading is. Not . . . . Continue Reading »

Take a Random Space Walk with ME

1. I’ve been getting a good number of strange emails complaining about my neocon, warmongering pseudo-realism, as well as about my hyper-technological love of cosmic conquest— of THE FINAL FRONTIER, as some say. 2. So here are some personal observations: I didn’t say and . . . . Continue Reading »

What Marriage Is—And What It Isn’t

Before we can resolve the issue of what persons can be united in marriage, says says Princeton professor Robert George in the latest issue of First Things , we must first answer the question, “What are persons ?” The view typically (if often unconsciously) held by advocates of liberal . . . . Continue Reading »

Generation Hobbes

One drawback of Leviathan is that Hobbes, the great theorist of the individual, doesn’t theorize the kind of individual that emerges in real life in the wake of, say, Napoleon. (This is a kind of individual different yet from the one we associate with the Revolution itself.) Already within . . . . Continue Reading »

Let’s Face It

Obama is no post-partisan, writes Bill McGurn: Only last summer we were told that Barack Obama’s political appeal rested on his vision for a “post-partisan future.” The post-partisan future was one of the press corps’ favorite phrases. It served as shorthand for the . . . . Continue Reading »

On Prayer and Prayer Books

Anne Lamott wrote once that prayer boils down to saying either Help Help Help or Thank you Thank you Thank you. The description’s accurate enough, as I have some reason to know, and as a default mode for prayer, I guess a person could do worse. To believe in God to begin with, and to believe that . . . . Continue Reading »



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