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Obamacare: Tax the Fat!

Obamacare hasn’t even started yet, and health care reform has those of the Leftist persuasion—read LA Times editorial—salivating—in this case literally—to tax fattening food to stop the fat from costing so many health care dollars. From the editorial:Key among . . . . Continue Reading »

Churchwalk With Me

Move over, O McLeansboro, Illinois. Move right on over. Join me now, gentle reader, from the air-conditioned comfort of your computer desk, for a stroll around my hot, dry little North Carolina town, replete as it is with churches of many vintages. We’ll start at the COVNTY COVRT HOVSE. The . . . . Continue Reading »

Does Hogwarts Have a Drinking Problem?

An article appearing in yesterday’s New York Times discusses the prominent role that alcohol plays in the latest Harry Potter: Hermione is tipsy. Neville is serving drinks. Ron is sipping mead and Harry is partying with his professors. Does Hogwarts have a drinking problem? As Harry Potter . . . . Continue Reading »

Great Society Conservatives

First there was National Greatness Conservatism . Now it appears we have Great Society Conservatism : In other pockets of the state, the reaction to Democratic proposals has been strong, too. At a recent town-hall meeting in suburban Simpsonville, a man stood up and told Rep. Robert Inglis (R-S.C.) . . . . Continue Reading »



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