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The Myth of Overpopulation

The Nordic philosopher and priest Anders Chydenius (1729-1803)—the “Adam Smith of the North”— once asked : Would the Great Master, who adorns the valley with flowers and covers the cliff itself with grass and mosses, exhibit such a great mistake in man, his masterpiece, that . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus the political pundit

I was trying to locate some of the 0ld warnings about mixing religion and politics. So I searched for “God not Republican”.  I was informed, however, that that “Campaign [is] Unavailable.” The “alert has expired.” Fuggedaboutit. Drop it. The crisis is . . . . Continue Reading »

That Glass

Oh, I remember these:The chapel in the basement of the high school was all in this style. We sang the matching songs there, as well, of course. All by the St. Louis . . . . Continue Reading »

Robots Rule!

A piece on teaching just-war theory to robots . Kind of. Military robots were once again in the news this month with headlines like “Corpse-eating robot” (Wired), “Robot . . . to eat all life on Earth” (The Register), and “Sniper Bot Refuels by consuming human . . . . Continue Reading »

Celebrating Obscenity

It’s official. Cultural libertarians have jumped the shark. Read this article and marvel. That’s right, the author isn’t celebrating the fact that citizens have a right to be vulgar, but rather the fact that citizens are vulgar. James’ article on the ‘Sex . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus at Our Throats

I was going to say that the Da Jesus pendant was the worst I’d seen in a while:but then I stumbled on this legless, diamond-loinclothed Jesus, yours for only $9,800:Someday, Sally, we have to have that serious talk about beauty and devotion, about the desire to proclaim the kingship by using . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Why Read the Bill?

Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) vividly illustrated the recklessness and incompetence of our current government.  He said about those who ask that our elected representatives read the bill:I love these members, they get up and say, “Read the bill.” What good is reading the bill if . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Tax Soda to Stop Obesity

I wrote a few minutes ago of the  LA Times editorializing that new taxes be imposed on fattening foods to cut obesity and reduce health care costs.  It isn’t just lefty anonymous editorial writers. The head of the Center for Disease Control wants a tax on soda . . . . Continue Reading »



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