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The Further Dying of the Light?

It’s not just Glenn Reynolds who thinks Obamaism may have jumped the shark. Comes Mickey Kaus to “throw caution to the wind” and predict: Despite all the innovative e-mobilization and ad campaigns and town halls, the August recess will not produce any effective groundswell of . . . . Continue Reading »

Religious Art and the Artiste

My friend—well, maybe not friend, exactly, since we’ve never met, but, anyway, Mark Shea, a guy I’ve exchanged emails with, is invading Icons & Curiosities territory and (may harpies claw away his sandals and make a painful snack of toes) doing it better than I can. Noting this . . . . Continue Reading »

The Blue Church

Over at Icons and Curiosities , Sally asks the rest of us to join in her and Jody’s churchfest . This morning my friend Matt Alderman inadvertently answered the call at the Shrine of the Holy Whapping , posting photos of St. Elizabeth’s, Bratislava, also known as the Blue Church. I . . . . Continue Reading »

The Dying of the Light?

Over at Instapundit , in the course of calling David Frum a Gloomy Gus, Glenn Reynolds writes : conservatives and libertarians should be feeling a lot better than they did a few months ago, as the Obama aura is dissipating much faster than even the most optimistic might have expected. Is this . . . . Continue Reading »

Not All Theological Ideas Are Equal

Here, via an inventors’ site, is an image of the design to which official United States Patent D367147 has been granted:It’s apparently a design for pieces of Christian art that use Christ himself as the cross on which, um, Christ is crucified.That’s a genuinely inventive . . . . Continue Reading »

Nicholson Baker on the Kindle

My thoughts exactly : The problem was not that the screen was in black-and-white; if it had really been black-and-white, that would have been fine. The problem was that the screen was gray. And it wasn’t just gray; it was a greenish, sickly gray. A postmortem gray. The resizable typeface, . . . . Continue Reading »



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