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A City (and a President) Divided

Obama, the candidate (June 2008) : “And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.” The Obama Administration (July 2009) : “The United States views East Jerusalem as no different than an illegal West Bank outpost with regard to its demand for a . . . . Continue Reading »

Brave New World Isn’t Inevitable

Slate’s Will Saletan has an essay in today’s New York Times Book Review, and it is of a species that always drives me a little around the corner.  He writes that our organs will soon either be viewed as a commodity or an asset of the commons, depending on whether we go . . . . Continue Reading »

Rahm Emanuel and Whitefish

A canonical Jewish joke tells of the Jewish family in the old country many years ago that invites a poor man to Sabbath dinner. The hostess brings out a dish of smoked whitefish, and the poor man proceeds to wolf it down. Chagrined, the hostess says, “You know, whitefish is very . . . . Continue Reading »

Moderate Islam Died in Xinjiang

M.K. Bhadrakumar, my colleague at Asia Times Online, must be the world’s most infuriating journalist. A former Indian ambassador to Turkey and various points in Central Asia, he can be counted on to take Russia’s side on any issue that might arise. His rambling portmanteau reports read . . . . Continue Reading »



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