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Crossing Everything

So, for decorating Sally’s house, I’ve found a curtain panel:and hanging lights:and a kapok pillow for the couch:Kapok. Kapok. Isn’t that a great word?I think, though, that I’ve reached a limit on how much crossing even a house like Sally’s can stand. Still, I’ll . . . . Continue Reading »

Banning Books and Rhinestones

You want a good example of how laws passed in a panicked rush are always bad laws? Read this article from the Washington Post from March, via the Volokh Conspiracy : Legislation passed by Congress last August in response to fears of lead-tainted toys imported from China went into effect last month. . . . . Continue Reading »

Hello Vermonters, We’re the Evangelicals

The Christian Science Monitor notes that Southern Baptists are among the denominations “’planting’ new churches in the rocky soil of secular New England”: In eight years, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has more than doubled its Vermont church count, from 17 to 37. Among . . . . Continue Reading »

This Day In Irony

I’ve alluded elsewhere to the fascinating way in which Obama parlayed his mixed African American (as opposed to African-American) heritage so as to occupy a space in American cultural and political life just ever-so-different from that occupied by black Americans generally and other black . . . . Continue Reading »



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