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Cheering and Fearing Science

On a whim, I rewatched The Andromeda Strain last night—the old, 1970s version rather than the 2008 remake from Ridley Scott, both based on the 1969 novel by Michael Crichton. Was there ever a popular writer more in love with the gadgets of science—and more suspicious of science itself, . . . . Continue Reading »

Same-Sex Marriage = Civil Rights?

At Public Discourse, Carson Holloway questions the analogy between Brown v. Board of Education and a future court case to legalize same-sex marriage: In Brown v. Board of Education , for example, the Supreme Court delivered an important victory for racial justice by striking down segregation in . . . . Continue Reading »

Drop, Drop

Here’s an image to ponder: Crucifixion as blood-type test. And just think how fabulous it’ll look over Jody’s sofa. [Rating: -27.3 out of 100]from . . . . Continue Reading »

Health Care and Technocracy

Yuval Levin has been among the best, maybe the best, conservative critics of ObamaCare and provides us with a brief and incisive  commentary (with James Capretta) of our current administration’s true designs. Leaving aside all the gory details for a minute regarding the merits of his . . . . Continue Reading »

Kevorkianism Coming to UK?

The Jack Kevorkian travesty during the 1990s was a debacle—both ethically and to the rule of law. Here, briefly, is what happened: When juries refused to convict Kevorkian, a candidate for Oakland County (MI) prosecutor promised that if elected, he would not prosecute Kevorkian. He was . . . . Continue Reading »

Points of Bohemian Clarification

Ted McAllister was puzzled (in a nice way) about some of the features of my post about his pro-Bohemian post. Because he wasn’t man enough to post his concerns on our site and boost our fabulous ratings even further, I’m not going to link his comments. Nonetheless, his questions should . . . . Continue Reading »



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