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The Built-In Human Expiration Date

In the book of Genesis it notes that the human lifespan is limited to a maximum of 120 years . And since God is a mathematician, it shouldn’t be surprising that this rate of mortality is an exponential function: What do you think are the odds that you will die during the next year?  Try . . . . Continue Reading »

Why do they want marriage?

One used to see a great deal more of this kind of rhetoric : Instead of applying its impressive muscle to creating an alternative to this hoary, unsecular, historically sexist, and needlessly restrictive institution, the movement instead opted to perpetuate it. If the status quo could be expanded . . . . Continue Reading »

Bob Dylan Recording Christmas Album

You can read about it here . For those who are interested, in 2006 I published a chapter in the book, Bob Dylan & Philosophy: It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Thinking) , “Busy Being Born Again: Bob Dylan’s Christian Philosophy.” You can find that chapter here . . . . . Continue Reading »

Radical Environmentalism Hates Humans

I have been discussing the anti-humanism of radical environmentalism for some time now here at SHS, that is, the idea that humans are the enemies of the planet and we must depopulate dramatically or the planet might die. This meme has been adopted by the global warming crowd too. For example, in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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