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The Faith of Our Forefathers

An intriguing new Gallup survey reveals that the religious identification for most states tends to match the immigration patterns of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The distribution of Catholics across the states, for example, is heavily skewed toward the New England and Mid-Atlantic . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pakistan-Iran War?

Asia Times Online today has a guest column by one Raja Karthikeya arguing in full seriousness that war between Iran and Pakistan is possible. He writes,Far from the headlines of the mainstream media, the border between Iran and Pakistan is heating up to epic proportions. In recent months, . . . . Continue Reading »

Don’t Hold Your Breath

David Goldman has a very interesting take on the meaning of Obama’s lowering approval rating over at Spengler : The fact that Obama’s approval rating fell slightly below the 50% mark in one of the polls looked to some Republicans like a green shoot of political recovery.  I do not . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Trial of Free Will

So here’s an article by ME on Solzhentisyn, technolog y, purpose, and our future. A taste: People are more concerned than ever with doing what’s required to stay alive, even as they do everything they can to divert themselves from real thoughts about love and death. They’re . . . . Continue Reading »

Choosing Adams Over Jefferson

Daniel Hannan, a British politician and Member of the European Parliament, writes: I gave the same message everywhere. Americans should cleave to their Jeffersonian heritage. Normally I would shoot mental shockwaves of negative energy towards any man who uttered such blasphemy .  But I read on . . . . Continue Reading »



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