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Re: The Lost Art of Reading

This seems like a fitting followup to Chris’s post .  From the pen of Meghan McCain, daughter of Senator John McCain: I don’t know exactly what about me threatens them so much, other than that people are listening to me. Malkin has the No. 1 book on The New York Times bestseller . . . . Continue Reading »

More About Prayer Books

Not long ago, and I’m sure you remember it as if it were yesterday, I wrote about my search for the perfect prayer book. Help Help Help, &c. Well, God and reader Ed P. have heard my cry. Ed P. writes: . . . I commend to your consideration the “Monastic Diurnal” published by . . . . Continue Reading »

APA vs. APA or AP vs. WSJ?

Can you spot the differences between these two news stories? Associated Press (Aug 6): “ Psychologists Reject Gay ‘Therapy’ ” The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight through . . . . Continue Reading »

Loving Herodias

My essay on Heine and Dante (in fact, on idealized love for Beatrice vs Herodias) appears on the main First Things website this morning. Heinrich Heine remains my moral compass, not because he got everything right (he got many things hideously wrong until the very end of his life) but because he . . . . Continue Reading »

Fullback or Priest

Over at Get Religion , Terry Mattingly notes an exceptional interview with Pittsburgh Steelers safety Troy Polamalu—exceptional for the way it portrays his faith in an honest and thoughtful way. A sample: If Paisios [Polamalu’s son] had the calling to become an Orthodox priest and not a . . . . Continue Reading »

Pelosi: Obama may be Un-American?

In an op-ed piece published on August 10 in USA Today , House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer write that “drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.” In a speech delivered in Virginia on August 7, President Barack Obama said this : “I don’t want . . . . Continue Reading »



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