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Karen Novak, 1938-2009

Karen Novak slipped away this morning—a great artist, a good friend, the beloved wife of Michael Novak, and convivial presence at so many of our events. You can find some of her artwork described on her website . But even they don’t capture her fun, her spirit, or how much we will miss . . . . Continue Reading »

Not Exactly What You’re Going For

Nina Shen Rastogi at XXfactor on a new abstinence campaign : Just $15 plus shipping and handling gets you a tight tank top with the slogan “I’m SEXY enough . . . to keep you waiting” emblazoned across the chest. Waiting until when, exactly—after dinner and a movie? I would . . . . Continue Reading »

Politics and Nature

Pardon me for writing a linkless post. This is the world that we live in, at least for the time being. Apropos of recent Lawlerian and Kenneallian comments on the allure of History and the trouble with health care, has anyone else been struck dumb walking across their living rooms by footage of . . . . Continue Reading »

Capitalism Doesn’t Sell

The Chamber of Commerce has discovered that the average citizen isn’t too keen on the term capitalism : “‘Capitalism’ was universally problematic,” says Chamber spokeswoman Tita Freeman. Adds Rich Thau, president of New York-based Presentation Testing, which ran the focus . . . . Continue Reading »

While Adam Slept

A question from a philistine: Is this personage in the chiffon sheer off a picture window supposed to be God? Or Eve? Or what? You’d think that “Adam Sleeping” would be a relatively simple narrative to represent, but apparently not. On second thought, I think that must be God. . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Beware the Bureaucrats

The caustic writer Camille Paglia is a strong supporter of President Obama.  But she is appalled at the health care reform bill and the president’ performance in its pursuit. She brings up another problem with the bill that has received too little attention. From her Salon column:The U.S. . . . . Continue Reading »

Middle Age Crisis

OK, Sally, so my wife and daughter are still out in South Dakota, staying till the end of the month, and I’m here alone in New York, with no one to act as an anchor, or a drag, or a reality check, and so I just bought for my office some new decorations—stained glass, as it happens: two . . . . Continue Reading »

Advocating a Not-So-Civil Religion

At the excellent Front Porch Republic blog Darryl Hart follows up on a discussion “that tried to discern the differences between folks that write over at First Things’ blogs and those who do so at FPR.” . . . [T]he thought dawned on me that one of the significant differences between . . . . Continue Reading »



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