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How to Turn a Liberal Into a Conservative

Irving Kristol’s quip that “A neoconservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality” gains empirical support : For people who feel psychologically all at sea, the conservative values of authority, order and tradition provide a comforting anchor. That’s according to . . . . Continue Reading »

Idols and Icons and Yorubans

In response to my critique of her post on Marian devotion, Heather Mac Donald says that her “tone was clearly self-indulgent and insensitive” but that “however poorly phrased, the post was an honest cri du coeur.” I appreciate both her civility and her honesty. I regret that . . . . Continue Reading »

Choosing Culture Wars Over Culture

Over at Public Discourse , Matthew J. Milliner has written one of the best brief articles on conservatism and the arts that I have read in some time: To familiarize oneself with contemporary conservative ideas and publications often means choosing culture wars over culture. Conservatives are . . . . Continue Reading »

More Pitching Arms

As the Dodgers fade into August, I was browsing Sports Illustrated and came across another of those unnatural-arm pictures of pitchers —this one of Jared Weaver during the great rookie start he had in 2006: How do these guys last even a season? . . . . Continue Reading »

We Need More Primary Care Doctors

USAToday has an alarming front page story today about a looming shortage of primary care physicians.  From the story:Longer days, lower pay, less prestige and more administrative headaches have turned doctors away in droves from family medicine, presumed to be the frontline for wellness and . . . . Continue Reading »



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