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Give Us Your Babies

Imagine if every church in America—or even one in every ten churches—would make this same offer : Last weekend an Atlanta pastor made a promise that stunned his congregation and most of the people who heard it. In a speech that discussed abortion, the President, and the sanctity of life, . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Nat Hentoff Fears Government

The civil libertarian Nat Hentoff is no right winger.  He used to write for the Village Voice and has long been one of the country’s most noted civil libertarians, most recently adamantly opposing President George W. Bush’s policies in what used to be called the War on Terror. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Ceding the Common Ground on Abortion

The Washington Post headline reads: ” Law Requiring Ultrasounds for Abortions is Struck Down: Oklahoma Judge Says Measure Violates State Constitution. ” I’m inclined to leave the precise state legal and constitutional arguments to the lawyers. But it is worth highlighting one . . . . Continue Reading »

Common Sense Social Justice

Kevin DeYoung has started a blog series examining what the Bible says about social justice and the poor . In his first post he discusses the connection between moral proximity and moral obligation: The principle is pretty straightforward, but it is often overlooked: the closer the moral proximity . . . . Continue Reading »



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