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Poor Design in the Star Wars Universe

Science fiction novelist John Scalzi lists some of the worst designs in the Star Wars universe : Lightsabers Yes, I know, I want one too. But I tell you what: I want one with a hand guard. Otherwise every lightsaber battle would consist of sabers clashing and then their owners sliding as quickly as . . . . Continue Reading »

Like A Mighty Wind

As the national convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted yesterday in Minneapolis to accept a social statement on human sexuality, tornado-like winds shook the downtown and ripped up the steeple at the ELCA’s Central Lutheran Church next door to the convention center. No . . . . Continue Reading »

All Kinds of Crazy

On page four of this morning’s Washington Post (Politics & The Nation Section) we find “Dean Challenges Obama to Deliver Reform: ‘Public Option Non-Negotiable Democrat Says “: “The worst thing that could happen is to pass a bill without a public option,” he told . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Wright and the Birth of Neism

Greg Graffin, the legendary punk rocker turned evolutionary biologist, concluded in his doctoral dissertation, “Monism, Atheism, and the Naturalist World-View: Perspectives from Evolutionary Biology,” that there’s “no conflict between evolutionary theory and religion on the one . . . . Continue Reading »



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