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Trading Culture Wars for Culture

Matthew Milliner’s recent article for Public Discourse (which Micah pointed out last week) is a triumph that had me shouting ‘yes’ all the way through. As a young conservative who remains hopeful that conservatism offers something deeper than tax cuts or strong defense, I found . . . . Continue Reading »

I Liked It Better At The Museum

A recent experiment reveals that people rate pictures as more aesthetically pleasing if they believe they come from art galleries : Aesthetic judgments, like most judgments, depend on context. Whether an object or image is seen in daily life or in an art gallery can significantly modulate the . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: “All About Rationing”

Harvard Professor and former Reagan economic adviser Martin Feldstein writes today in the Wall Street Journal that Obamacare is “all about rationing. From the column:The president has emphasized the importance of limiting services to “health care that works.” To identify such care, . . . . Continue Reading »

Budget Renovations For the Frugal Church

The other day we visited Saint John the Baptist in Tryon, North Carolina, where renovations gallop apace. Here, today, you may tour — not for the sake of comparison; as we all know, comparisons are odious — my own parish church, inside and out. Now, I love it, but as you can see, this is . . . . Continue Reading »

Poll: 51% Say They Are Pro-Life

From the Washington Post : A Gallup poll found for the first time that a majority of Americans identify themselves as pro-life. A May survey, just released, asked the question: With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life? In 1995, 33 percent of . . . . Continue Reading »

Marriage Minus Monogamy

Last week the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided to allow gays in “life-long, monogamous” relationships to serve as clergy and professional lay leaders in the church. The question left unanswered, however, was, “Whose definition of monogamy would be used?” One of . . . . Continue Reading »



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