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Book Recommendations for Obama

Over at the main blog, Joe Carter asks : In all seriousness, though, what books would you recommend the President read during his vacation? Assuming you had to stick to the same  3:1:1 ratio (3 novels, 1 biography, 1 policy-oriented nonfiction) what books would you slip into his travel bag? . . . . Continue Reading »

Dignity Panel

On Morning Joe a few minutes ago, Pat Buchanan described the fear behind the death panel debate as the fear that old people without anyone around who loves them will be steered in their final years toward elective euthanasia. Surely the steering power of a government authorized to command and . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Naivete of Ayn Rand

Paul Zummo ( Crankycon ) has written a good review of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged : The atheism is only a small part of the issue with objectivism. Galt (and thus Rand’s) objection to the concept of original sin is naive, but even absent this aspect of objectivism, it remains a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Jewish Split over Obama

In case anyone failed to catch my drift last week, permit me to reiterate my distaste for yet another protest from the collected Jewish leadership over a supposed Catholic agenda to convert us. When Jews get together at the moment, do you think they complain about how many of our co-religionists we . . . . Continue Reading »

Creeping Technocracy-Watch

Secondhand Smoke has the scoop . Watching bioethicists consense is like watching water condense: dull, impersonal, and you know how it’s gonna end. Still, I’m sure there are many who would prefer it to all that nasty , dirty , tumultuous political stuff! . . . . Continue Reading »

Power to the Bioethicists, Right On!

I have long suspected the bioethics movement wishes to have decisional power over public policy.  Now, over at the Hastings Center Website, comes the suggestion that bioethicists should—perhaps (overt advocacy in the field is always couched)—be given more power.  From the . . . . Continue Reading »



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