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Back-To-School Tip #1

How to Get an A+ on a Religion QuizNow, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “I can’t possibly do all these things! Which is more important: bringing home the textbook, or buying the peppermint-scented tissues?” And, “On a mulitple-choice test, the answer . . . . Continue Reading »

My Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory

[caption id=”attachment_7287” align=”alignright” width=”150” caption=”The cover of Beck's latest book “] [/caption] The late film critic Pauline Kael is often quoted as having said, in the wake of Richard Nixon’s landslide victory in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Objectivism and Original Sin

I’ve been interested in the reaction to my review of Atlas Shrugged which Chris Blosser linked to here . First of all, it might be the only thing I’ve ever written that has united both right-wingers and left-wingers (and everybody in between). Clearly, almost everyone dislikes Ayn Rand. . . . . Continue Reading »

Newton and Bacon

My rabid pro-Leibniz partisanship notwithstanding, I have to give kudos to Thomas Levenson for his article on the faith of Isaac Newton over at Killing the Buddha. The article closes with a somber reminder: Hence the pathos, the danger that I think Newton himself glimpsed. There is a serious . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro-Taliban Feminists?

They’re back. The New York Times headline reads, ” American Antiwar Movement Plans an Autumn Campaign Against Policies on Afghanistan .” “A restive antiwar movement, largely dormant since the election of Barack Obama,” we are told, “is preparing a nationwide campaign . . . . Continue Reading »

Can Haiku Be Written in English?

Maybe not: It’s commonly said among English writers that a haiku is a syllabic poem with lines of five, seven, and five syllables respectively. This is not, in fact, true, and thinking through why it is not raises some interesting questions about language and poem forms. . . . . Continue Reading »

Final August Aphorism

The languid month has run its course, and I’ve pretty much run out of worthwhile aphorisms.  Maybe I ran out awhile ago.  In any event, I have a final bon mot that Russ Saltzman sent me a couple of weeks ago. Never become so cynical as to believe that things can’t get worse. . . . . Continue Reading »



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