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Quixotic Dreams of Harry Potter

The latest inhumane treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay is so excruciatingly torturous that it would make even Dick Cheney squirm: Detainees are being forced to read Barack Obama’s Dreams of My Father ! Okay, that’s not exactly true. Unlike American schoolchildren, the prisoners are . . . . Continue Reading »

The Creeping Culture of Euthanasia

I was asked by the National Review to write a story for the magazine on the recent advances made by the assisted suicide movement.  It is the cover story.  From the article:The assisted-suicide movement has come a long way in just a couple of decades. Consider, for example, this recent . . . . Continue Reading »

Holidays by Google

What makes a holiday a holiday? Or, what makes a holiday worthy of a celebratory logo on the world’s most popular website like Google? This question recently prompted me to talk with Michael Lopez, Google’s lead logo designer, to find an answer. September 19, for instance, is Rosh . . . . Continue Reading »

George Weigel on Writing

C-Span2 has a fascinating video interview with George Weigel , Catholic theologian and First Things board member. Weigel is the author of over a dozen books, including Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II . In the revealing interview, Weigel shares his preferred Bible translation . . . . Continue Reading »

Can You Be Catholic and Evangelical?

Last Thursday at Wheaton, two members of the First Things family, board member Timothy George and contributor Francis Beckwith, debated the question, “ Can you be Catholic and Evangelical? ” A video of the debate can be found here . (Update: Broken link is now fixed) In “ . . . . Continue Reading »

Tony Blair on Faith in the Public Square

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair recently spoke at Communion and Liberation’s annual meeting in Rimini: Faith enlarges and enriches the idea of community. The recent Papal Encyclical is a remarkable document in many respects. It repays reading and re-reading. But one strand throughout it, . . . . Continue Reading »



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