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Pro-Life FAQ on Health Care Reform

American’s United for Life has compiled answers to some questions pro-life advocates may have about the current health reform proposals making their way through Congress. What do the health care reform plans currently in Congress say about the unborn? You say the plans would mandate abortion . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: A Political Cartoon Draws Blood

My secret fantasy is to be a great political cartoonist, since these masters of political advocacy can paint an a polemic picture that truly is worth more than a thousand words. I think the cartoon to the left is a good example of the genre. It really scores because the image of the president . . . . Continue Reading »

National Affairs

The heir to The Public Interest , a new journal by the name of National Affairs , is now living and breathing and live on the web. The sharp and judicious Yuval Levin has brought together a team of great minds, including Adam Keiper, Reihan Salam, and a Publications Committee full of heavies like . . . . Continue Reading »

“You Don’t Know Jack”

Secondhand Smokette weighs into the HBO Jack Kevorkian puff biopic today. How do I know it’s puff when I haven’t seen it?  It is based on the unpublished book of the same name by Kevorkian acolyte Neal Nichols, who is so enamored of his subject he once allowed K to inject him with . . . . Continue Reading »

Strauss, Postmodern Gossip, and Canada

So there was a herd of POSTMODERN CONSERVATIVES in Toronto at the American Political Science Association meeting. Sam Goldman shared many charming—yet troubling—details about his growing up in New Jersey, including his membership in a PUNKER THAN THOU band with an edgy name and . . . . Continue Reading »

What Real Indoctrination of Children Looks Like

The reaction to President Obama’s speech to America’s schoolchildren has sparked a bizarre level of concern. Parental outrage over the address seems to be inversely proportional to the actual threat that his banal speech will produce socialist automatons. Perhaps conservative Americans . . . . Continue Reading »



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