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Thoughts from a Disney Cruise

My children, Andrew and Grace, are now ages 7 and 4.  According to my wife, they have been prime candidates for a trip to Disney World for some time now.  I have held back because I tend not to be enthusiastic about vacations for reasons other than visiting family (because that’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro-Life Demonstrator Shot and Killed

Horrible news : Local officials and state police are confirming that a pro-life advocate was shot and killed outside a high school in this Michigan town. The person, who is described as well-known but whose identity has not been released, was shot multiple times while protesting abortion outside . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro Life Activist Murdered While Protesting

A pro life activist who routinely held up photos of aborted fetuses as a form of protest has been repeatedly shot and murdered. From the story:OWOSSO, Michigan — State police at the Corunna post have confirmed a well-known anti-abortion activist was shot multiple times and killed this morning . . . . Continue Reading »

Only word on Tom Friedman

So it appears that the Mustache of Understanding has gotten in a bit of hot water over his latest op-ed . Having grown up in Hong Kong (pre and post-handover) and knowing plenty of people who fled Friedman’s “reasonably enlightened group of people” quite recently, I’m not . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Problems Have Their Own Solutions

Browsing Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan’s new book Contemporary American Judaism, I note a great deal of ritual acknowledgement of “Jewish diversity” and not a word about Jewish fertility. That is a deadly flaw, for the sort of Judaism the author espouses will disappear if only because it . . . . Continue Reading »

ACORN Conspiring to Cover-Up Child Prostitution

Andrew Breitbart launched his new site today, BigGovernment , with an undercover invesigation of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). Officials with the controversial community organizing group were videotaped telling two journalists—who were passing themselves off as . . . . Continue Reading »

Health Care and War

What does health care have to do with foreign policy? Not much, one might think. But there was a paragraph in President Obama’s speech last night that drew a connection between the two in a way that was at best troubling and at worst demagogic. It appeared in the context of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Questions for Ephemerislers

In a few weeks, I’m heading to Ephemerisle — the Seasteading Institute’s first annual anarcho-capitalist convocation on the high seas. Call it a fact-finding expedition. A few words of explanation: While I’m probably the most libertarian of the PoMoConners, I’m not . . . . Continue Reading »



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