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Not History but Novelty

Michael Gerson’s latest column bemoans the death of historical meaning in our personal romantic narrative. It’s true that the therapeutic historicism that still seems to undergird a lot of popular culture — people telling their stories to one another — is actually being . . . . Continue Reading »

Dignity and Identity

In comments below on my post about Yuval Levin’s book, Imagining the Future , Michael Peterson asks : “Will someone, somewhere, define human dignity?” Not me, at least not in this post . . . but here’s an account of what needs to happen first. One of the best passages in . . . . Continue Reading »

Stanley Fish Questions Curiosity

Stanley reminds us that curiosity isn’t a virtue. For Pascal, it’s nothing more than the vanity of beings in love with their own capabilities. It distracts us from the duties that should flow from love of God and each other. Curiosity can easily morph into love of diversity or losing . . . . Continue Reading »

Visigoth Girls Are Easy

A Spanish reader wrote a furious rebuttal to an old post about the growing antipathy Spaniards show towards Jews. I argued that as Spain became less Christian, it also became more hostile to Jews, and tha the Spanish left hates Jews for the same reason it hates Christianity.The Spanish reader took . . . . Continue Reading »

But We Can Be Trusted …

Is there a line between transparency and compiling an enemies list? See this Washington Times exclusive: White House Collects Web Users’ Data Without Notice . In the wake of last month’s health-care email fiasco, one might wonder what the people in the administration were . . . . Continue Reading »



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