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Why Abortion is Different

Those of us who believe that pro-life issues should be given priority of place in deciding how to vote are often chastised for downplaying valid concerns about the environment, foreign policy, healthcare, and other matters of morality and justice. But as David Koyzis persuasively argues, there is . . . . Continue Reading »

Olde Tyme Hardcore

So the fall semester is finally in sufficient order that I can return to blogging. I don’t imagine that I was particularly missed. But I’ll proceed on the assumption that at least some readers liked to alternate their reflections on the very serious matters we usually discuss with one . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama’s bluff called?

President Obama’s sudden decision to suspend deployment of an anti-ballistic missile system in Poland and the Czech Republic may be a response to Israeli-Russian diplomacy, I am told by often-reliable sources. Russian-Israeli relations have been improving at an “extroardinary” pace . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Other Catholic Higher Education”

Professor Gerard V. Bradley has an interesting and thoughtful piece up today over at NRO , in which he laments the demise of numerous Catholic colleges/universities and encourages Catholics to bring the faith to secular schools (where the vast majority of Catholics are now being educated): We . . . . Continue Reading »

Scruton-izing an Aging Society

Here’s the second installment in the wisdom of Roger Scruton’s A POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: . . . [G]given that fact, it is more than ever necessary for us to incorporate death into our life plans. We need to recognize the value of timely death and the futility of living beyond the point . . . . Continue Reading »

You, Too, Can Write a Bestseller

Dan Brown, who is to history what Rasputin was to anti-coagulant therapy, has a new book out. But you knew that. Everyone knew that. Because it sold a million trillion copies in four minutes. It’s called The Lost Symbol and marks the return of Robert Langdon, symbologist (a degree now . . . . Continue Reading »



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