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Sacred Memory and Sacred Time

Time, as Abraham Joshua Heschel never tired of saying, is only the mask of eternity. To God, who remembers and foresees all, memory and foresight are the same; for God to see the future is the same as for him to remember his own plan of salvation.Each year as the Assembly of Israel prepares to stand . . . . Continue Reading »

Unilateral Action Against Iran?

Howard L. Berman is a Democratic Congressman and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In an editorial,” Dealing With Iran’s Deception “, Berman informs us that Congress has to get moving to impose, should negotiations fail, what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has . . . . Continue Reading »

Live-Blogging the Eucharistic Congress

Well, really I’m not. I’m back home now, and the children have just gone to bed, most of them, after some moments of franticness over a white shirt a certain personage of this household has to wear to march with the Holy Crusaders in the Eucharistic procession tomorrow morning. Yes, yes, . . . . Continue Reading »

DeLillo vs. McCarthy vs. Pynchon vs. Roth

On Friday afternoons no one wants to read another blog post about heath care reform or Iranian nuclear programs or how the nadir of Western Civilization is to be reached this afternoon at 3:32 P.M . Those things can wait till Monday. Friday afternoons are a good time (well, as good a time as . . . . Continue Reading »

The Mythology of the New Atheists

Christianity Today reviews David Bentley Hart’s Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies : Much of Atheist Delusions reminds readers of the importance of remembering what Christianity has done for us—not just for the believer in personal salvation, but . . . . Continue Reading »



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