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Human Rights and Iran

The Washington Post has treated us to three op-eds by four authors in two days each advocating that the U.S. make concerted effort to pressure Iran on the issue of human rights. Today, Robert Kagan argues in ” Forget the Nukes: The Most Fruitful Target is Iran’s Weakening Regime . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Calvin? Why Now?

David Nilsen on the resurgent interest in John Calvin : No one in the history of the church has been so equally reviled and adored by so many as John Calvin. Some of the greatest pastors, theologians and missionaries in both Great Britain and America have considered themselves Calvinists. And yet . . . . Continue Reading »

Celebrating International Blasphemy Day

So, here’s what they suggest doing. In the contrarian spirit of Saint Jerome, whose feast it was first, here are some alternative ideas: Put a WWJDrive bumper sticker on your 15-passenger van. Tell a girl that growing up to be a wife and mommy is an interesting and intellectually satisfying . . . . Continue Reading »



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