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The Economic Lives of Priests

Even in the Age of Google—when the answer to almost any general question can be found using a search engine—its often more interesting to tap into the wisdom of crowds to satisfy our curiosity. Since I’ve always been curious about the economic lives of Roman Catholic clergy, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Divorce Is Bad For Your Health

From the New York Times : Married people tend to be healthier than single people. But what happens when a marriage ends? New research shows that when married people become single again, whether by divorce or a spouse’s death, they experience much more than an emotional loss. Often they suffer . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Capitalists and Christians

Last weekend, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), along with their allies the Free Democrats (FDP), won 48.4% of the vote in parliamentary elections. Although the CDU lost part of its vote share from the last elections, the FDP won a larger share of the votes . . . . Continue Reading »

Biden vs. McChrystal

We all know that President Obama held a three-hour meeting at the White House yesterday on the situation in Afghanistan. The spinning has begun inside the beltway. The Washington Post leads with ” White House Eyeing Narrower War Effort: Top Officials Challenge General’s Assessment . . . . Continue Reading »

eBaywatch: Guardian Angels

Tuesday we celebrated the Holy Archangels; today it’s our invisible guardians whom we feast. Herewith, some stuff: Okay. If you were going to buy wings for the Christmas pageant, you could go ahead and get them today. Not great art or theology or anything, but little kids like dressing up, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Wine-ocracy In America

Over at Dr. Vino , probably the best wine blog on the internet, Tyler Coleman (who actually is the Doctor himself) gives the play by play of an exclusive blind tasting of some of the 2005 Bordeaux with the great Robert Parker. For those who don’t follow these things, Parker . . . . Continue Reading »



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