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Is Jewish Law Rational?

A philosophical vindication of Judaism based on IV Maccabees: To someone raised with a notion of philosophy that is Greek, along the lines of Plato and Aristotle, there is something a bit odd about traditional Judaism, with its insistence on a large number of little restrictions on things like . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama’s permanent depression

is the title of a new Spengler essay posted this morning at Asia Times Online. Keynesian stimulus was a terrible idea; combine it with nearly free money and you create a positive-feedback loop between the Treasury deficit and the banking system. It’s going to be a long, long three years . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama and His Liberal Critics

In a post last week I made an off-the-cuff remark about liberals being unable to challenge Obama. Several people pointed out that while this may have been true before the election, it has not been true lately. One of my critics noted that even Saturday Night Live was finally criticizing the . . . . Continue Reading »

Will Israel Save the World?

From The Anchoress : It is interesting to think, isn’t it, that if America is brought low (a no-longer unthinkable notion, unfortunately) and the crazymen that we’re hot to appease in Iran, or North Korea or Venezuela get together to do crazy things, the only fully-functioning and . . . . Continue Reading »

They Really, Really Want To Kill For Organs

I reported the other day that Nature editorialized in favor of loosening the rules to allow living patients to be killed for their organs (more about which, soon). And now, we see more advocacy for lethal medicine in The Journal of Medical Ethics, an international publication.  From the article . . . . Continue Reading »

Apocalypse by Overcompensation

The Telegraph claims that close scrutiny of a photo of Ahmadinejad’s identity card shows that his family were practicing Jews: his surname was originally “Sabourjian”.The Sabourjians traditionally hail from Aradan, Mr Ahmadinejad’s birthplace, and the name derives from . . . . Continue Reading »

The Economic Lives of Priests

Even in the Age of Google—when the answer to almost any general question can be found using a search engine—its often more interesting to tap into the wisdom of crowds to satisfy our curiosity. Since I’ve always been curious about the economic lives of Roman Catholic clergy, but . . . . Continue Reading »



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