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The Modern Nation and Liberalism

So I’m going to resist the cruel temptation to comment on David Letterman (hasn’t been funny for more than a decade) or say more on whether Beck and Limbaugh are worth defending. Instead, I’m sharing with you a bit of an article I’m writing on Scruton’s and . . . . Continue Reading »

Summarizing the Stock/Smith Debate

A few weeks ago, as I have mentioned previously, I debated bioethicist and scientist Gregor Stock about designer babies.  An audience member has written a summary of that clash that pretty accurately summarizes our respective positions.  From the article in the CBC Newsletter by Evan Rosa . . . . Continue Reading »

When Civilian and Military Leaders Meet

D. Michael Lindsay, a sociologist at Rice University and the author of  Surveying America’s Leadership: A Study of the White House Fellows , on the effect of civilian and military leaders meeting as White House Fellows : Because the White House Fellowship draws younger leaders from many . . . . Continue Reading »

Letterman and the Abolition of Cruelty

Cruelty, the famous theorist Judith Shklar tells us, is the worst thing we do. For small-l and big-L liberals as different as Richard Rorty and George Kateb, cruelty is borne of moral solipsism, an overly me-centric attitude toward experience that blinds us to the truth about the reality of other . . . . Continue Reading »

Art in the Obama White House

The White House has released a list of forty-five artworks that will decorate the Obama’s private residence, West Wing offices, and the East Wing. Michelle Obama worked with curators from the White House and the museums to select each of the pieces. Apparantly, the First Lady really, really . . . . Continue Reading »

Scattered Preliminary Thoughts on Ephemerisle

Those looking for the full-Gonzo narrative account of some of the more interesting 48 hours of my life will have to look elsewhere, if I ever get around to writing it. Short version: It was fun, nobody died. What follows is more like a post-mortem that includes things that surprised me, things that . . . . Continue Reading »



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