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After-Dinner Drink, Anyone?

Heard more than your fill on the subject of Roman Polanski these days? You’ll find today’s On the Square article a fine digestif; Carson Holloway breaks down the issues underneath the pop controversy: The embrace of sexual liberation necessarily diminishes our horror for rape, and . . . . Continue Reading »

The Five Leading Indicators of Marriage

A team of family scholars recently launched a U.S. Marriage Index , the first attempt to track the health of marriage in America. The report begins by asking: “What helps us the most to thrive, as individuals and as a society? Money or marriage? Assets or relationships? Here’s what we . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Trying to Figure the Cost

Senator Baucus’s proposal for health care reform passed muster from the CBO. From the story:A compromise health care proposal widely seen as having the best chance to win Democratic and Republican support would cost $829 billion over the next 10 years, nonpartisan budget analysts concluded . . . . Continue Reading »

On Costumes

In the combox for my last post, I mentioned that my children have begun planning not so much their Halloween costumes as their saint-characters for the All Saints bash at church. That is to say, the girls have it all worked out. The teenager spent much of yesterday afternoon paging through Rosa . . . . Continue Reading »



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