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Anti-Euthanasia Message in Medium

Hollywood loves euthanasia/assisted suicide, generally presenting the issue in a positive light, perhaps most notoriously in Clint Eastwood’s “better dead than disabled” Oscar winner, Million Dollar Baby .  But last night’s Medium was an exception to the rule. It . . . . Continue Reading »

Rare Anti Euthanasia Episode on Medium

Hollywood loves assisted suicide and euthanasia. Not just as a plot device, but to promote through its various products as a modern, caring, compassionate, and proper policy for society to accept. Perhaps the most notable example was the Clint Eastwood movie Million Dollar Baby, that carried a . . . . Continue Reading »

Conrad Black on the Jews

Rabbi David Novak, a founding board member of this magazine’s parent foundation, has a fine essay on the Public Square blog today. I added the following comment in response to some of the other kibitzers:I was heartened by Rabbi Novak’s spirited defense of Judaism.He is entirely correct . . . . Continue Reading »



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