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A Case Against Blogging?

My buddy Stefan McDaniel has an On the Square article today with the intentionally provocative title “ Reverence for Words: A Case Against Blogging .” My initial reaction before reading it—because I’m the type of person who makes snap judgments based on titles—was . . . . Continue Reading »

Was Having Kids Ever a Paying Venture?

Bryan Caplan asks and answers : One popular story about the decline in family size over the last two centuries goes like this: Back in the old days, having kids paid. Children started working when they were quite young, and provided for their parents in their old age. Then industrialization and/or . . . . Continue Reading »

More Armchair Church Tourism: UPDATED

Check out this slideshow of modernist churches around the world. Having grown up Methodist, I was intrigued by this gallery of United Methodist Churches. An illustrative factoid from Hamburg. Steeplescapes in Bogota, some unidentified Oklahoma location, and Camden and Wiscassett, Maine. More . . . . Continue Reading »

Lewis & Tolkien: Together Again

So one Steven A. Beebe, professor of communications at Texas State University–San Marcos, was rummaging through C.S. Lewis’ original manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, when he came across a fragment . Not just any tidbit or afterthought but what the good professor came to . . . . Continue Reading »

Suicide Pushing Nurse Loses Licence

A nurse who went on the Internet to teach people how to commit suicide has lost his license.  From the story:Using the online aliases “Li Dao” and “Falcon Girl,” a male nurse from southern Minnesota participated in international suicide chat rooms and presented himself . . . . Continue Reading »

Taking It To the States

Pro-life Americans should focus on restricting abortion at the state level , says Americans United for Life president Charmaine Yoest: A vibrant movement to restrict abortion at the state level continues: Over the last year, our legal team has provided assistance in 30 states where pro-life . . . . Continue Reading »



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