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People of the Gospel

What is (or who is) an evangelical? The previous definitions and characterizations resonate with me in various ways, particularly David Koyzis’s confessional core contra pragmatism and especially the “essence” offered by the inimitable John Stott (as shared by Justin Taylor).My own . . . . Continue Reading »

A confessional core versus pragmatism

I was born and raised in Wheaton, Illinois. For some people that might be thought to say everything. Wheaton is the home of Wheaton College, that 156-year-old bastion of evangelical higher education. The city itself hosts the head offices of numerous missionary and parachurch organizations, though, . . . . Continue Reading »

Stott on the Essence of Evangelicalism

What is an evangelical?For a thoughtful answer—a masterful example of clear thinking and concise expression—I’d recommend listening to this lecture by John Stott. (It’s 47 minutes long; I’m not sure what year it was delivered. If you know the provenance, please let us . . . . Continue Reading »

The Proclaimers

For the last 5 or 6 years I’ve mostly been known for causing mayhem in the evangelical blogosphere, so when I received an invitation to spread some of that content here as a representative of the “evangelical” viewpoint, I was sort of stunned. Continue Reading »

Recapturing Evangelical

Though still relatively young, I would like to think that I’ve grown and matured in my understanding and perspective on faith, theology and culture. I went through a phase in my life a few years ago when I was extremely particular about the views with which I associated myself. I wanted to . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelicals and the Primacy of the Local

In response to Joe’s opening volley regarding what is an evangelical, I would add this:Ideally, evangelical is more an adjective than it is a name.  It’s not so much the evangelical church as it is evangelical churches.  In this respect, the content of this week’s sermon . . . . Continue Reading »

Adult Stem Cell Research: The Lame Walk!

Adult stem cells have restored feeling in the bodies of people paralyzed with spinal cord injury—indeed, even permitting some to walk with assistance. From the story : The injuries in the study patients were 18 months to 15 years old. The patients, ages 19 to 37, had no use of their legs . . . . Continue Reading »



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