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A Question for Professor Moore

Which best defines a Southern Baptist Evangelical in campus ministry?1: All kids in ministry dress up for Halloween as Al Mohler, but group splits when half discover it is meant as a compliment.OR2. Half the kids rebel and go to local Halloween party only to tearfully repent on Sunday morning and . . . . Continue Reading »

Halloween and Definitions

If indeed an evangelical is a fundamentalist who dresses up for Halloween, a definition I accept with eagerness, we can expand on the list already given to further clarify what we have in common and what still divides us:Apologetics:- an evangelical in the Van Til (presuppositionalist) tradition: . . . . Continue Reading »

Should We Drop Out?

Of the culture that is?This post has me thinking .  . . but I cannot see totally dropping out for three reasons.First, there is some good stuff being produced that is easier to find if one is not a total drop out.Second, as a teacher I would find it even harder to understand the cultural . . . . Continue Reading »

The Theological Core of Evangelicalism

Joe Carter started this discussion by asking, “How would the bloggers here at Evangel define the term? What is is that we all have in common that allows us to share the label?” Timothy George provides a helpful short and concise summary:At its heart [evangelicalism] is a theological core . . . . Continue Reading »



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