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Rob Bell’s Definition of Evangelical

I know this is, in blogosphere time, old news, but this blog is new and currently on the subject of evangelical definitions, so fuh-giva-ness please.Bell defines evangelical for a Boston Globe interviewer thusly: I embrace the term evangelical, if by that we mean a belief that we together can . . . . Continue Reading »

eBaywatch: All Saints, All the Time

Lo, October is hastening by, and the great Solemnity of All Saints is nearly upon us. If you were thinking of celebrating with vintage religious goods of one kind or another, here are some ideas.Vintage Medals: Saint BenedictSaint Maria GorettiMary Star of HeavenSaint InesHoly TrinityVintage . . . . Continue Reading »

Where the Wild Things Aren’t

This past Saturday I took my three oldest sons to see the movie Where the Wild Things Are. Some Christians are all exercised about the fact that the movie might be too frightening for children. They’re wrong. The movie is not a great one, but that’s not the reason why. As a matter of . . . . Continue Reading »

Where the Wild Things Aren’t

This past Saturday I took my three oldest sons to see the movie Where the Wild Things Are. Some Christians are all exercised about the fact that the movie might be too frightening for children. They’re wrong. The movie is not a great one, but that’s not the reason why. As a matter of fact, Where . . . . Continue Reading »

Where God is Certainly Not a Republican

For some bizarre reason Republicans in the New York 23rd decided to nominate a candidate who is happily pro-choice and against traditional marriage. This is because the New York Republican Party is so successful that it can afford to drive out many of its natural constituencies. (Nominated in a . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: A New Award

Maybe we can work out some sort of exchange program with The Corner. They can loan us an agnostic and we can send over an evangelical.To be fair, I suspect there are a number of evangelicals that write for that blog who just don’t identify themselves as evangelical on there (Mark Hemingway or . . . . Continue Reading »

What is the Gospel?

The discussion on the question “What is an evangelical? has been both fascinating and illuminating. The brilliance of the responses doesn’t surprise me (after all, I picked these folks) but I am surprised by how much I—as a lifelong, unapologeticly self-defined evangelical—am . . . . Continue Reading »



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