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Becoming such as Paul was

I read Doug and Dr. Beckwith here, with Dr. Beckwith amening our radical Presbyterian homeboy, and it all seems very reasonable and humane.Then I open my Bible this morning to Act 26, and I’m reading there about Paul who — as Doug rightly pointed out at his blog — preached the . . . . Continue Reading »

For the Water Cooler

Meta-links, Ben Myers has a bunch of links to good reading. Jews in uniform ... outside Israel. A warning to the West. Georgia on Russia and the Ukraine. On fasting and the spiritual life. On Ms Dunn and the Mao thing. A physicist on the brain. The story behind a song. Finding evil in gender, heh. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Magazine I Occasionally Dream

The talented Matthew Alderman made a comment on my post about redesigning the layout of First Things . He had some good ideas, but along the way, he mentioned one of the all-time great designs for a magazine: the art-nouveau journal Ver Sacrum from the late 1890s: And it reminded me of an idea . . . . Continue Reading »

The Danger of “Gospel-Centered” Everything

Fred Sanders makes an important point about the dangers of assumed evangelicalism and the drift we all have to guard against, not only in movements but in our own life. We do have to keep the gospel central in order to guard against this, and although I am glad for the current emphasis upon a . . . . Continue Reading »

A Federal Ecclesiology?

In a previous post, I proposed that a portion of the schism between evangelicals and non-evangelicals may be found along the fault-line of local church / hierarchy: Does the hierarchy / denomination serve local churches or do local churches serve the hierarchy / denomination? I lamented the weakness . . . . Continue Reading »



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