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Party Like It’s 1999 + 10

Last weekend our parish celebrated an ecclesiastical birthday of sorts* and I’d like to share some thoughts in the wake of that event. How did we commemorate this event, that is besides the obligatory brunch?The answer: With a memorial service devoted to the memory of all members of our parish . . . . Continue Reading »

Gospel Wakefulness

“It is the unhurried meditation on gospel truths and the exposing of our minds to these truths that yields the fruit of sanctified character.”— Maurice Roberts, The Thought of GodOr as my friend Ray Ortlund says, “Stare at the glory of God until you see it.”Very few . . . . Continue Reading »

Legalistic Unicorn Society

Got stuff to do the rest of the day and not likely to be back until bed-time. One last stir of the ol’ pot here and I’m off:In spite of my poking his eye for being jaded, I think Joe Carter is onto something.And here’s my one-liner for the discussion so far: I see politics (not . . . . Continue Reading »

Politics and the Herd of Unicorns

I’m intrigued by the discussion about the Christian’s role in politics being carried on by Frank, Jared, Matthew, Doug Wilson, and Dr. Beckwith. My own sympathies shift back and forth depending on whose post I’m reading; they are all very convincing. While I don’t want to . . . . Continue Reading »

Why The Culture Wars Won’t Die

From the very outset, the term ‘culture wars’ was misleading. Not that it wasn’t apropos — for, indeed, as all could see, there were different cultures contending over not just authority but power in America, many cultures in one manner but, in another, at rock bottom, only . . . . Continue Reading »

The Insanity of D.C. Public Schools

According to a Washington Post editorial, ” Open to Vouchers? ” Michelle Rhee, the head of the Washington, DC public education system recently testified before Congress that “she could not in good conscience tell a parent today to put his or her child in a traditional [Washington, . . . . Continue Reading »



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