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Moses, Patron Saint of America

Bruce Feiler notes that Moses is depicted in a number of locations in our nation’s capital, is invoked by almost all Presidents, and has been drawn upon in America at nearly every point in its history: Moses is the patron saint of Washington—and a potent spiritual force in nearly every . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelicalism, Ethics, and Eggshells

Teaching ethics in a local junior college is a great opportunity to impact minds in my community. A somewhat ancillary discussion we have had in class is the usage of moral and ethical—terms with no meaningful distinction, though sometimes associated with different quadrants of society (e.g. . . . . Continue Reading »

War (is | is not) The Answer

Over at Sojourners, Brian McLaren—the emerging church and religious left’s foremost authority on foreign affairs, grand strategy, and defense policy—has weighed in on Afghanistan. In ” Dear President Obama: An Open Letter on Afghanistan ,” McClaren writes: I am a loyal . . . . Continue Reading »

Water Cooler Linkage

A question ... weekdays I produce this link post at my blog ... and I was copying it here with the idea it might stimulate discussions ... but in light of Joe’s recent post that Evangel posts should have lasting relevance ... and much of these links are topical and on current events that leads . . . . Continue Reading »


Grace, they say, is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. I don’t remember when I first heard that nifty mnemonic acrostic, but I know it was at a young age, and I don’t think I’ve outgrown it. It’s just a hook to hang some teaching on, and it’s a fine, sturdy . . . . Continue Reading »

Read This Blog On Your Own Time

Most of us have heard the old quip, made famous in Annie Hall, about a meal in which the food is terrible—and the portions are too small. Recently I heard the inverse complaint made many times about this fledgling blog: The content is great—and there’s too much of it!Initially, I was . . . . Continue Reading »

Is it the 19th Century All Over Again?

As usual I’m late to the party.  Joe and I have been friends for several years now and in honor of our friendship I changed e-mail addresses and didn’t let him know.  So, we’ve finally caught up and today I join this august body of bloggers, feeling way in over my head, . . . . Continue Reading »



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