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Die a little

The Gospel is there so that death doesn’t swallow us up while we are creating environments that expand imagination, unleash creativity, and maximize the creative potential in every individual and organization. Continue Reading »

Never Alone: All Saints

Today my last great-aunt went to Glory. She was a Christian and ready for death and now sees what before she only believed. On All Saints Day she will be with Peter, Paul, Cecilia, Agatha, Lucy, and all the members of the great, growing, and glorious family of God who stand in joy unspeakable.We are . . . . Continue Reading »

Reformation Day As Kwanzaa?

Is Reformation Day the new Kwanzaa? If so, then it fits the definition for the Academic Sanctioned Shindig: a holiday with no connection to the folk or folk customs invented and celebrated by academics to make a point and to replace a phenomenally more popular party.I am all for remembering our . . . . Continue Reading »

In Style

For years I’ve been wearing bill/baseball caps.  They are useful but ... they lack style.  They’re plain.  One might even think of them as less than mature.  They just don’t look good.  But is there an alternative?  Yes — the classic . . . . Continue Reading »

More Likely This Halloween

If I make contact with a skeleton or any other bones, as a Christian it is more likely to heal me than kill me. If I meet a demoniac, it is more likely to be a chance to see God’s glory than the end of my life.If I meet a vampire, it will more likely be a Dracula than an Edward, and I will be . . . . Continue Reading »

Canadian Death Panel Strikes Again

So many stories are coming out of the UK and Canada about the lethal consequences of turning health care over to cost/benefit/best practices control panels, that we ignore them at our very real peril.  The Globe and Mail reports today about women being cut off from drug combo treatments to . . . . Continue Reading »



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