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Meet Bill Black

Unlike Joe Black, the Angel of Death in a dreadful 1998 Brad Pitt vehicle, Prof. Bill Black is a real rather than a figurative Grim Reaper, at least where white-collar criminals are concerned. The former bank regulator, now a University of Missouri Professor, was the main narrator of  this . . . . Continue Reading »

This World Magazine?

Does anyone—anybody? somebody?—have back issues of This World ? You remember This World : It was the journal from which Richard John Neuhaus was fired, in the infamous Rockford Raid —which led him to found First Things in 1990. We seem to be missing two copies, here in our office . . . . Continue Reading »

The Problem of New Jersey Evil

The Argument:1. New Jersey exists.2. New Jersey is governed by corrupt politicians.3. The people of New Jersey have the power to remove those politicians through voting.4. The people of New Jersey persist in reelecting the corrupt politicians.Therefore: the people of New Jersey are either-a. . . . . Continue Reading »



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